3 March 2014

University Regionals 2014 Results.

Congratulations to all the teams who qualified for University Nationals 2014 from University Open Outdoor Regionals. Here are the top 6 from each region:

Div 1
1. Bristol
2. Bath
3. Cardiff
Div 2
4. Exeter
5. Southampton
6. Bournemouth

South East
Div 1
1. Sussex 1
2. Sussex 2
3. Imperial College
Div 2
4. LSE
5. Surrey
6. Kent

Div 1
1. Warwick
2. Cambridge
3. Birmingham
Div 2
4. Nottingham
5. Oxford
6. Loughborough

Div 1
1. Durham
2. Manchester
3. York
Div 2
4. Newcastle
5. Liverpool
6. Bangor

Div 1
1. Dundee
2. Heriot Watt
3. Edinburgh
4. Glasgow
Div 2
5. Strathclyde
6. St. Andrews
7. Aberdeen

Into possible seeds for Nationals:

Division 1 (suggested by Ashley Yeo)
1. Dundee
2. Warwick
3. Durham 4. Sussex 15. Bristol6. Heriot Watt7. Manchester8. Cambridge9. Birmingham10. Bath11. Edinburgh12. York13. Sussex 214. Cardiff15. Imperial16. Glasgow

Division 2
1. Nottingham
2. I1
3. LSE
4. Strathclyde
5. St. Andrews
6. Oxford
7. Exeter
8. Aberdeen
9. Newcastle
10. Surrey
11. Southampton
12. Bournemouth
13. Liverpool
14. Bangor
15. Loughborough
16. Kent


  1. You've got Sc4 in both Div 1 and Div 2.

  2. Is it confirmed that Scotland get 4 spots to Div 1?

    1. Yes, that has been confirmed by the UKU. Ireland are also allowed one team in Division 2.

  3. It's far more likely that UKU will chop one Scottish team off the top and add it to the bottom of div 1. As it was the Irish team that won, the logical solution would not be for a Scottish team to inherit that seed.

    This is the more likely seedings:

    1. Dundee
    2. Warwick
    3. Durham
    4. Sussex 1
    5. Bristol
    6. Heriot Watt
    7. Manchester
    8. Cambridge
    9. Birmingham
    10. Bath
    11. Edinburgh
    12. York
    13. Sussex 2
    14. Cardiff
    15. Imperial
    16. Glasgow

    Then fitting them into groups avoiding regional mismatches will probably look something like this. (original seeds in brackets)

    Group A
    1 (1) Dundee
    7 (8) Cambridge
    10 (10) Bath
    15 (15) Imperial

    Group B
    2 (2) Warwick
    8 (7) Manchester
    9 (11) Edinburgh
    16 (13) Sussex 2

    Group C
    3 (3) Durham
    5 (5) Bristol
    12 (9) Birmingham
    13 (16) Glasgow

    Group D
    4 (4) Sussex 1
    6 (6) Heriot Watt
    11 (12) York
    14 (14) Cardiff

    1. Fancy doing some stuff for us Ash?

    2. *match-ups not mismatches

    3. These are much more likely! Cheers Ash :)

    4. The standard deviation of seeding based on last year to contrived seeding is actually much lower in this than it is in the real schedule released today. It gets lower still if you had Mohawks 2 and Imperial as they finished in the region. Would be interesting to know why they haven't gone for this...
